valence band


1 مهندسی شیمی:: نوار والانس

The orbital possesses two energy levels, bonding and anti-bonding, separated by an energy  In a solid, these levels widen to become bands, the valence band (VB) and the conduction band (CB) respectively. Thus, the valence band is full and there is no possible displacement of charge. This creates a hole which lets an electron move into the valence band. The valence band (VB), the forbidden band (FB) and the conduction band (CB). Furthermore, the hole that it leaves relaxes at the top of the valence band, otherwise known as the minimum energy principle, which is always used by electrons.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: نوار والانس

The electronic band structure of ZnO, as a semicon- ductor material consists of a conduction band (CB) and a valence band (VB). Incident radiation with photons of energy greater than 3.3 eV is immediately absorbed, thus the electrons move from the VB to the CB. are formed in the VB, while free

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